A Great Question

Over the years I have discovered that there’s a difference between a good question and a great question. Good questions provide answers that inform while great questions provide answers that inspire. So let me ask you, Are you Capable of More?

The “More”

Have you ever gone to your favorite amusement park and left wanting more? (*ok, besides feeling like you’ve just ran a Triathlon and you can hardly wait to crawl between the sheets to sleep for a week). How about going to a movie and leaving wanting more? Or what about meeting someone who inspired you through engaging conversation and leaving with the hope of more? 

I’ve heard this same phrase used many times in church or a group setting when God’s presence rests on the gathering. We shout, “MORE LORD!” “MORE GOD!” Some even talk about “The More.” So what’s the “More” we are hoping for? What are we being touched by that causes us to crave “More”? Could it be that we are being touched by something so deep and profound that we are physically, emotionally and spiritually experiencing something called “The fullness of Life”? (John 10:10). And all because of “The More.” 

What would happen if someone were to sit in a theater seat to watch a movie about your life? “Are you nuts! No one would want to watch a movie about my life.” That’s actually what others have said and yet movies were made about their lives. What would happen if, instead of us shouting for “MORE LORD,” the cheerleader and coach from heaven was shouting towards us “MORE MY SON! MORE MY DAUGHTER! YOU CAN DO IT! I BELIEVE IN YOU! YOU HAVE THE MORE!”

So why would someone want to watch our movie? And why would God cheer us on to inspire the “More” in us? Because we are capable of “The More.” The movies that inspire us are actually training films about people who recognized “The More” they were created with, people no different than you and me. The one thing they decided to do was take action despite the circumstances surrounding them. 

The “More” is not just an inspirational or spiritual moment in time. The “More” is direct access to the resources in all of us that lead to greatness. And that is why our heavenly coach shouts from the sidelines “MORE MY SON! MORE MY DAUGHTER! YOU CAN DO IT! I BELIEVE IN YOU! YOU HAVE THE MORE!

Scot Saunders