You Have What They Need

Have you ever been outside on a hot day and walked into an air-conditioned room? Or what about the opposite, you are outside in the cold for an extended period of time and walk into a warm room? Nothing extravagant or over the top, just an air-conditioned room or a typically warmed room found in any home or business. How do you respond? Let me guess, “Ahhhhhh!” Am I close? It’s because the atmosphere had what you needed.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes we come across people like that? I’m not referring to business dealings and networking, I’m referring to the “out and about, meeting someone new” kind of meeting. There’s just something about their demeanor, something about the words they share, what they give and what they share, that, as soon as you step into their presence, their environment, you find yourself feeling “Ahhhhhhh!” In that moment, they have something you needed.

But what if you are that person? To often, we are so focused outward to FIND the answer that we never take time to BE the answer. So what’s the answer? Simply being the greatest possible version of yourself. When we choose to focus on and hone who we were designed to be, those unique gifts and talents that are uniquely ours, not only do we change, but we change the atmosphere around us. Today, take a moment to give to yourself, to develop one area of interest or sharpen one area of skill. Why, because you have what they need.

Scot Saunders