Ruby Red Shoes

Scot Saunders Prophetic Artist, Prophetic Art, Christian Artist

Ruby Red Shoes & Yellow Brick Roads

There’s a classic movie about a Kansas farm girl who dreamed of something more. A violent tornado swept through the area, trapping her inside her home, picking up the house with her inside only to land in a strange and wonderful place that would change her life forever. Her adventure led her down a yellow brick road and required a unique pair of ruby red shoes that would come in handy one day. No, I’m not referring to resisting the evil witch, I’m referring to the day she was “Ready” and “Believed” because of the “Process.”

Dreams of something more aren’t random “Hope so” thoughts toying with our emotions. Dreams are the revelations the author of our lives have revealed to us, a peak into our hearts desire, that have been listened to and responded with. Dreams never begin with us; they always begin with Him in preparation for us. 

Dorothy had a dream in the classic movie, “The Wizard of Oz.” Throughout her entire adventure she had the answer fitted firmly on her feet. So why didn’t she just click her heals and go home to her dream? Because she wasn’t “READY” yet. Many times, the dream we desire is bigger than where we begin. This is why our dreams begin with Him, so He can prepare the “Process” that will allow us to fulfill our dream. He knows the plans He has for us because He knows the dream’s He’s given to us (Jeremiah 29:11). 

As you walk out your day today, keep in mind that you already have the answer in your dream. But a dream is nothing more than a good idea if it were not for the “Process.” That’s why Ruby Red Shoes and Yellow Brick Roads were always meant to work together to make a dream come true.

Sharon Marta