It's Right In Front Of You

Scot Saunders Prophetic Artist, Prophetic art, Kingdom artist, Christian artist

It’s Right in Front of You

Have you ever started to look for something but couldn’t find it? You look “everywhere” but everywhere you look leaves you empty handed. Concern gives way to anxiety, anxiety builds to frustration, and frustration grows to anger. You shoot up a quick prayer in panic, ask your significant other that sounds more like a fearful shout, or talk to friends in desperation. No, I’m not talking about your car keys; I’m referring to Direction in your life.

Direction is that thing that keeps us moving. While movement to some may be treading water, others are set in motion by moving forward. Direction happens AFTER the downsizing swells like a tsunami waiting to hit. Direction happens AFTER the pink slip is put in your hand and you feel all the life in you draining onto the carpet under your feet. Direction happens AFTER the medical report stops you in your tracks and you find it hard to catch your breath. Direction happens AFTER the divorce sends you into an emotional free fall. And Direction happens AFTER the natural disaster leaves you with nothing but the clothes on your back. Direction, that indicator that points you in a certain way or that still small voice that says, “Go this way.”

What if, instead of expecting “Go this Way,” you heard “You are Here”? What if the needle on the compass doesn’t say, “Go this way”? What if, instead of a directional needle, there is actually a red “X” that says, “You are Here”? And instead of looking for Direction somewhere “OUT” in Front of you, the Direction you’re seeking is “RIGHT” in Front of you?

There are times, yes like car keys, when we can’t find what we’re looking for. We look “everywhere” for the answer growing impatient, anxious, and even angry because we can’t find it. But, like the car keys, when we finally reach that breaking point to stop fighting, the answer shows up Right in Front of You.

Sharon Marta