Destiny's Inspiration

As Kingdom Creatives, we live between two worlds, stepping from this world into the other, constantly shifting, seeing, shifting, dreaming and shifting again. Our vision is constantly shifting from what is, to what could be, from the struggles of a finite reality to the possibilities of an infinite destiny. We can’t help it, we just…do. We were created this way, but conditioned to not live this way, to ignore the daydreams, to put away the wishful thinking, to “grow up.” 

When has the “World” ever been right? What would happen if you were right? What would happen if you listened to yourself, trusted in yourself and trusted in the One who created you to be…you? He intentionally and deliberately, with purpose and conviction, created you to step between this world and the next, between what is and what could be, not just to dream, but to “See.” To scout the way ahead just like Joshua who was sent into the promised land (Numbers 13:23-27). To bring back news of the land flowing with milk and honey and create what you have “Seen” to inspire hope in others who do not see. 

Our ability to “See” begins in our willingness to step from this world into the next. To BE who God created us to Be, intentionally and deliberately, with purpose and conviction to step from reality into the realm of destiny to bring back a vision of hope expressed through creativity. There is a name for our wondering, a name for our other-worldly transport, it’s called Inspiration. Kingdom Creative, I want to challenge you to reclaim your birthright to our heavenly muse. Expunge the toxic waste that has dulled your mind and spirit and sit, wait and anticipate the door to open to the Inspiration destiny desires to reveal. 


  1. What is inspiring you right now?

  2. How do you plan to bring it back from destiny and creatively share it?

Scot Saunders