
To all the parents out there, do you remember the “Terrible 2’s”? I can hear your groans and see your eyes rolling. What about the day you reached out to give someone a hug, they stiffened up and couldn’t reciprocate? Let’s make this a little more personal. What about the pattern of defeats you experience time and time again only to get back into “Another” unhealthy relationship, “Another” dead-end job, “Another” failed opportunity?

“That’s crazy, why doesn’t the child just listen to the parent?” And, “Why doesn’t the one being hugged reciprocate?” Because they don’t “Trust” what WE have to give is better than what they are presently living in. The same is true about the path of “Another.” It’s comfortable to do what we have always done, it’s familiar, all we know and it’s manageable. To give up that sense of safety, security and control is terrifying. So, we try “Another,” and “Another,” and “Another,” and “Another.” Until the day comes when there is no alternative but to raise the white flag to “Another” and surrender. That’s when the child recognizes the wisdom a parent shares in love, when the heart of one being hugged receives a warm embrace and when we realize His way is better than our way if we will set our agenda aside to surrender, to listen, to trust and go a different direction.

If you have arrived at “Another,” keep in mind that “Another” never runs dry, it never runs out. But there is one side to “Another” we rarely acknowledge or see, our “Another” versus His “Another.” Our “Another” is comfortable, our “Another” is familiar and our “Another” is manageable. Our “Another” can be Trusted. Or can it? 

Yes, the rent is due, the bills need to be paid, the job has been lost and the relationship broken, but what if there were “Another” way? “But I don’t see how?” And there is the door you stand before, the same door you opened before, the door called “Another,” your “Another.” The definition of insanity is to do the same thing you’ve always done expecting a different result, so what would happen if you chose “Another” door, His door. 

His door requires a key that has no lock. Entry only requires that we surrender our “Another” way to His “Another” way and Trust that He will answer when called. All that He requires is that we simply Ask, Seek and Knock (Matthew 7:7,8). Ask and keep asking until His “Another” door opens, Seek and keep seeking until His “Another” door opens, Knock and keep knocking until His “Another” door opens. You can’t open His “Another” door if you’re still holding YOUR “Another” key. You know the one I’m talking about, it’s called “Trust.” 

Perhaps it’s time to throw away YOUR “Another” key that opens YOUR “Another” door and pick up His “Another” key that opens His “Another” door. Just ask your 2-year-old who is now 30, how a new door worked for them.

Scot Saunders