This or That?

Do you remember your favorite toy when you were a child? Or what about that certain article of clothing you spent hours looking for in the store? Or hobby you have, or a particular food or drink you like? Out of all the other thousands of choices, out of all the hundreds of toys, articles of clothing or interests you have, you chose “This one.” Nothing else will do, nothing else will work, nothing else will suffice. THIS one, is the only one you want. 

In order to have “This One,” you have to let go of “That One.” But “That One” really isn’t “That” important, is it? Why? Because “That One” isn’t who you are. “That One” doesn’t fit your lifestyle. And “That One” doesn’t reflect your authentic self. That’s why “This One” is the only one that will work. We will try “That One” but if we are honest with ourselves, if we’ll listen to the knot in our stomachs, the questions in our minds, the “Hmmmm?” in our voice, our authentic self, we instantly know that “That One” will never work. It has to be “This One.”

Throughout our lives, perhaps even now as you read, you are having a “This or That” moment? As Kingdom Creatives, many of us have been TOLD we can’t have “This” because “This” doesn’t make any sense. “This” doesn’t make any money. Or “This” will never get you anywhere. And yet, “This” is at the core of who we are, artists. Removing “This” from our being is no different than trying to remove the color blue from the sky. It was intentionally, by design and with purpose, placed inside of us for the journey we have been called to travel. 

Kingdom Creative, look closely at your choices, “This One” or “That One.” It’s time to get honest, no one is looking. As you look at your choices, does “This One” create a knot in your stomach? Does “This One” produce questions or cause a “Hmmmmm?” in your voice? It sounds like “This One,” the artist, is the only one that will work. “This One,” the artist, is the only one that will suffice. And “THIS ONE,” the artist, is the only one you want. You were created to have a favorite so others could see Him through you.

Scot Saunders