The “TOO”

Have you ever tried lifting something that was “Too” heavy? Or perhaps you tried doing something that was “Too” hard? Then there was that one time you lifted something heavy and got it moved, or you did something hard and made it happen. You know, the refrigerator needed to be moved because you wanted to dust behind it, but it was “Too” heavy. Then one day, the electricity went out and the refrigerator freezer defrosted all over the floor. Before mildew set in, the refrigerator needed to be moved and somehow you did it, all by yourself. Then there was that time when you wish you had made more money just to make ends meet. Feeling like you were stuck in a dead-end job, life seemed “Too” hard and there didn’t seem to be any options to advance or time to develop new skills. Then the company downsized and you were laid off. Instead of looking for whatever work was available you did something different and found a better paying job. 

There are times when we will all arrive face to face with “Too.” You know “Too,” it’s “Too” hard, that’s “Too” challenging, they are “Too” controlling, it is “Too” fill in the blank. “Too” takes on an ominous persona bent on our destruction, holding us captive to its every whim. Then there are other times when we are met by “Too” and the only attention we give it is a brief acknowledgement of contempt while completely focused on the challenge to be met. So, what happened? What changed? “Too” didn’t go anywhere. “Too” didn’t change. “Too” never changes. So, what changed?

We did. Our Perspective, the way we SAW the challenge or obstacle shifted. Our Perception, the way we DEFINED the challenge or obstacle changed. And our limiting beliefs, what we KNOW to be true became clear. There is One who specifically designed us to live in the atmosphere of divine perspective, perception and Identity. No matter what the obstacle or challenge “Too” may throw our way, we are more than conquerers (Romans 8:37). Conquers who walk boldly, in authority, right past “Too,” with our eyes fixed on the prize (Philippians 3:12-14). Now, about that freezer…

Scot Saunders